This memorandum by the Powers government relations and legislative practice group provides a summary of the results of the White House, House, and Senate races, as well as an analysis of the results from a health care perspective (as of November 17 at 11:00am EST).

Executive Summary

This memorandum provides a detailed analysis of the 2020 election results to date and their implications on the Executive Branch and composition of the 117th Congress,[1] including the following:

II. Overview of Election Results (President, Congress, and Governors)
III. Key Changes to Congressional Committees Overseeing Health Policy
IV. Select Ballot Initiatives and Referenda
V. Health Care Impact and Analysis

  1. Lame Duck Preview
  2. Preview of Agenda for 117th Congress
  3. Preview of Biden Administration Health Care Priorities

Although many states have not yet formally certified their vote counts, and several legal challenges remain outstanding, it appears that former Vice President Joe Biden has become the President-elect. Democrats are also likely to maintain control of the House of Representatives, though with a slimmer majority than in the current Congress. Control of the U.S. Senate is still undetermined, as both Georgia Senate seats are proceeding to runoff elections on January 5. Currently, Republicans will hold at least 50 seats and Democrats will hold 48 seats (including two Independent senators who caucus with the Democrats).

Read the full memorandum here.

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